High quality drug candidates are not possible without high quality data. We provide a comprehensive range of ADME, PK and bio-analytical services generating robust and reliable data.

Capabilities include:

  • pKa/ADME predictive tools
  • Physico-chemical properties (Log D, solubility, chemical stability)
  • Metabolic stability (in microsomes and/or plasma)
  • Distribution studies (plasma protein binding and PAMPA)
  • Drug-drug Interactions (Cytochrome P450 inhibition e.g. CYP3A4)
  • Cytotoxicity (e.g. HepG2)
  • Bioanalysis (e.g. Quantitation of drug exposure, metabolite identification)
  • In vivo pharmacokinetics (sub-contracted to a trusted and validated partner)

We work closely with you to develop an ADME program suited to your project. We have a flexible approach depending on your requirements and can modify protocols and develop custom assays in your preferred format.

Please contact us for further information. We will be pleased to arrange a teleconference or meeting with our technical experts.